Today is National Stress Awareness Day. There aren't many things in life that are as stressful as buying or selling a home. However, when you have an agent working with you, the stress load can lessen.
Caring for your mental health is a critical part of your overall wellness and not something that should be taken lightly. You are not doing yourself a favor by stressing about situations you can not control. On this awareness day, take some time to hone your ability to choose one thought over another and let the stress ebb away.
Ways to observe National Stress Awareness Day
Do NOT worry! It's 24 hours, let the day be stress free and care free!! Keep away from negative vibes!
Contemplate your stress-points. It's not just about one day. Stress management and reduction should be a constant practice.
Laugh - all day long!! That is your challenge. Make plans with family and friends that will make you laugh!
Although some stress is good. However, it is important to differentiate between the good and bad stress in crucially important for a healthy life. Also remember, it is OKAY to ask for help.